Wormwood Press


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Wormwood Press was founded in 1985 by Clement W. Meighan (Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley).

As a passionate and dedicated professor of archaeology and anthropology at the University of California, Los Angeles, Professor Meighan helped countless students get published, listened to the frustrations of those seeking publishers and worked alongside numerous publishers to bring his own words to print.

Having written more than 240 field research publications and numerous books throughout the course of his 40+year career at UCLA, Professor Meighan infused his passion and experience together to create Wormwood Press; a publishing house for archaeologists and anthropologists, students and educators alike.

Professor Meighan worked with many talented individuals, some of whom became collaborators for publications. The current list of Wormwood Press publications includes works covering a range of topics from archaeological field techniques to techniques used for documenting rock art sites to scientific ethics. Each book is designed to be both a helpful resource as well as foundational text for a course. In this way these publications are excellent additions to any educator's or student's library.

Professor Meighan was popular with his students and was known for his ability to explain complex topics to novice listeners. He was a true educator, generous with knowledge, and patient - traits he imparted in the Wormwood Press publications in the form of clear, easy reads; books that cover a range of topics, and educate readers in key archaeological methodologies, strategies and techniques.

Wormwood Press is proud to carry on the legacy of Professor Meighan, an educator who sought to build a more tolerant and supportive world through knowledge – “the more people know about themselves, their history and their evolutionary roots, the more they can contribute to the world.”

We at Wormwood Press look forward to contributing to the study of archaeology and anthropology through these and future publications.

Archaeology for Money

Discovering Prehistoric Rock Art

Mechanized Archaeology

Rock Art and Cultural Resource Management

Archaeology and Anthropological Ethics

Archaeology without Limits

Onward and Upward